Ocular Prosthesis History
Prosthetic eyes have a history that stretches back to at least 2,900 BC. Prosthetic eye materials and techniques have evolved in keeping with the times: from clay, to wood and ivory, to enamelled silver and gold, to glass and, finally, to (poly) methyl meth-acrylate (PMMA) plastic. This last step (from glass to PMMA) was accompanied by a change in the profession that supplied and fitted prosthetic eyes. PMMA eyes could be custom-made, but this required a different skill set to the one that Ocularists had used successfully with glass for the previous 500 years. The technological and professional dislocation that the change from glass eyes to PMMA eyes brought about 70 years ago, possibly accounts for the almost complete absence of prosthetic eye literature today.
We started making prosthetic eyes in Meerut in April 2021. Initially we were using surface paiting technology which was sooner replaced by 3D prosthetic eyes. We develoved multi level processing in 3D prosthetic eyes in 2009 which was the highest technology in making of prosthetic eyes, ICT (Iris Crypts Technology)which provide the most natural look in prosthetic eyes.